How to help with the lexicon.
Errors or additions can either be reported direct to the Compiler or to me.
Photography is my hobby for about 60 years, longer than I collect cacti.
Therefor I am especially picky regarding the quality of the pictures. If someone offers pictures of better quality than those already in the lexicon I will replace those.
In most cases pictures I get for the lexicon will be improved digitally or cropped for the purposes of the lexicon. Therefore the pictures send to me should be larger than the final size in the lexicon which is either 800 pixel in width or height.
In order that no picture gets lost it should be marked the following way:
Full name of the plant / geographical origin of the plant** / collection No.*/ name and last name of the photographer and his picture number.
* only well known collection numbers
** especially important for pictures from habitat, no GPS-data.
Required are pictures of the habitat and plants in habitat, flowering plants, cut flowers, in some cases important details of the plant and roots, fruits and seeds.
Pictures still without a name page can be used in the lexicon too.
Name pages:
For producing name pages please use the blank. (Eingabemaske) Do not change the formation or the style or size of the writing.
I will transfer the filled in blank into the lexicon without checking the correctness of the data. That is within the sole responsibility of the compiler. Pictures I have to put in manually. You can produce name pages without pictures.
The ICSL already offers some help for making research and name pages. Click on "links" and find such for IPNI. For the lexicon we use this kind of spelling for the name of authors of plant names and abbreviation of literature.
Also in the lexicon: A link to Cactus Biblio. This is a long list of books and periodicals available on the internet. Very useful for research and making links for the lexicon.
How to make links:
Call the information on the internet.
Mark the URL
Save it with Ctrl +C
Set the cursor in your text to where you want to have the link
Then: click right with the mouse
Address: set cursor here (normally it is already there), than Ctrl V
Wanted text: give it an name (for example: The Cactaceae 2 Br.&R )
You will get now a blue marked "The Cactaceae".
This and other links can be moved from one Word-document to the other.